Saturday, July 30, 2016

End of Summer Fitness Reset

End of Summer Fitness Reset

Spans of oppressive heat and biting bugs can sometimes make spending summer outdoors an unpleasant undertaking. In June and July, many of us were compelled to remain indoors, grateful to find any place equipped with air-conditioning. Now, suddenly it’s August, and hopefully we’ll be getting some relief from the worst of summer’s wrath – with plenty of time still left to still enjoy the outdoors. There is no shortage of healthy activities that can be packed into the last few weeks of summer to help make up for lost time! Here are some ideas:.

1. Up the intensity. Don’t just go for a leisurely jog on your usual neighborhood circuit; quicken your pace and feel the burn. If faster doesn’t seem possible, then add 10 minutes to your usual workout. Walking, jogging, hiking, inline skating and cycling are all great activities in which you can up the intensity. 
2. Get out and explore. Discover park trails and open roads and take in some new scenery.
3. Hit up the water. If you live near the beach, get out and play volleyball, throw the Frisbee or football around, beachcomb, or play an energetic game of fetch with your dog. If you're near a lake, try rowing for an unrivaled total-body workout and a change of pace. Late summer is a great time to do beach and water activities because these areas tend to be less crowded.
4. Think outside the box. Always wanted to stand-up paddleboard, take a whirl on a skateboard or ballroom dance? Ask any schoolchild – the beginning of the school year is a great time to try something new. Plus, you’ll likely discover muscles you didn’t you know had and you’ll see a new level of tone in your body.
5. Integrate exercise into your life. In addition to the obvious suggestions – like parking your car farther away from your destination and taking the stairs instead of elevators – here are a few that are less obvious: While at the kids’ soccer practice, instead of reading a book or visiting with another parent, why not walk around the outside of the field while they practice, or even warm up and cool down with the team? Schedule a ‘walking meeting’ instead of an in-office discussion. Swap the cart for your legs when golfing. You can also transform your commute by walking or biking to work, or taking a bus and hopping off a few stops early.
6. Playgrounds aren’t just for kids. Adults can rekindle their inner child and enjoy these outdoor play spaces, too – and get a great, affordable workout at the same time. Slides can be used for challenging push-ups or sit-ups, monkey bars can be used for pull-ups, and holding yourself stationary on a swing in plank position can provide an incredible core workout.
7. Plant a late-summer garden. If you’re looking to spice up your lawn or garden, August is a perfect time to plan a fall harvest. You can also keep your garden ablaze with color through the end of summer with a mix of fall-blooming annuals and perennials. The simple fact is that gardening is exercise, and done properly, can burn as many calories as more traditional exercises.
8. Farm your way fit. Find a local farm and volunteer to spend a day or more learning about farming, harvesting, picking and general farming chores. In return, you usually get fed locally produced, healthy meals!
9. Schedule breaks. I personally believe that an hour of sitting is too long, so make time to get up and stretch. Take a lap around the office or outside parking lot after each hour of sitting and stand while talking to a coworker. Use part of your lunch break to go for a stroll or pick up lunch at a place within walking distance. Just can’t get away? Take a call on your mobile phone and head outdoors – they’re called mobile phones for a reason!
10.  Practice yoga, Pilates or meditation outdoors. Put the tree back in tree pose and swap the mat for grass. The only thing more peaceful than a mind-body session is spending time in the beauty of nature.
 As summer fades, we tend to return to a more sedentary routine. Challenge yourself to not let your fitness level fall with the end of summer.. 

by Jessica Von Duerring,  Certified Pilates Instructor & Barre Conditioning-Certified.

The Summer Diet Plan… Tried and tested

Roxanne Fisher took on the 9-day Summer Diet challenge and finished 4lbs lighter, energised and with 27 new recipes in her repertoire…

I hate fad diets but love the promise of an eating plan. Having worked with Jennifer Irvine and our cookery team to put the Summer Diet Plan into fruition I was excited to give it a try.
I had recently signed up for a half marathon, which had made me revolt and eat all the wrong foods. Despite all this exercise I was feeling tired and certainly did not have summer skin after a damp squib of a spring. Armed with a new set of Tupperware and more herbs than an allotment I threw myself head first into the Summer Diet Plan. Here’s how I got on…

Getting ready…

Storecupboard - Stocking the cupboards. I did my first shop online and had my storecupboard staples and everything for the first three days delivered the Friday before I started. Filling the fridge with so many delicious, and in some cases intriguing, ingredients gave me a real appetite to get started. I had the second shop delivered on the evening of day three and found this ensured everything stayed fresh and within the use by dates.
Download our handy shopping list

 - Clever cook. There’s no escaping the fact you’ll be in the kitchen quite a bit – though all the recipes were quick and easy to make. With a little organisation it was easy to fit the plan around my work and social life. I found making the lunches the night before took any stress out of the weekday mornings, and I also set out all the pots and pans I’d need for breakfast the next day.

Leftovers- Make the most of leftovers. I hardly had to buy any additional snacks throughout the week as I made the most of leftovers. I’ve made a note below of the extra ingredients you might find yourself with, in case you want to do the same.
- Getting the most from the plan. If you want to use the plan as a kick-start to eating a little healthier and discover some new dishes that’s great. But if you’d like to take things a step further, try cutting back on the caffeine and alcohol and introducing some exercise over the nine days. The results will be that much greater if you do.

My nine days…

Days 1-3Prawn, butternut & mango curry
Starting on a weekend meant I had a chance to get used to the new regime. I took my time over all the recipes, tidying as I went. By Sunday I was in the swing of things and packed up the wrap for my first work lunch. By the end of the three days the plan had done exactly as promised. I was feeling bloat-free, even after lunch when I usually would feel lethargic and over-fed, plus I had already lost 2lbs. It was probably water weight but still, it was a strong incentive to carry on.
My snack leftovers:
Day 1: Spare oatcakes with a dollop of almond butter
Day 2: Half a mango drizzled with remaining coconut milk. Butternut & harissa houmous made from leftover butternut sqush.
Day 3: Tuna salad – made by adding leftover peas, sweetcorn and tuna.
My favourite recipe: Prawn, butternut & mango curry

Vanilla-almond chia breakfast bowlDays 4-6
Even though this section of the plan started with my new favourite breakfast, I found these middle days the toughest. However, as well as having lost a couple of pounds I was noticing how easy it was becoming to get up in the morning and felt my energy levels creeping up, so I knew it was working.
My snack leftovers:
Day 4: Half a lemon with warm water. Remaining strawberries with natural yogurt and leftover tabbouleh from falafels.
Day 5: Leftover pineapple with small handful unsalted cashew nuts. Slice of rye bread with remaining avocado.
Day 6: Last of the butternut squash houmous with oatcakes.
My favourite recipe: Vanilla-almond chia breakfast bowl

Days 7-9Marinated grilled lamb cutlets with creamed corn
Usually, by the end of an eating plan I’m looking forward to the moment I can break it. This time, I was looking forward to re-making my favourite dishes from the plan. Miraculously, my sweet tooth had been silenced, I was waking up easily and I was never hungry. Feeling so good made the final push easy. I did break my no-booze rule on the sunny Saturday, but only moderately, and still felt bright and breezy the next morning.
My snack leftovers:
Day 7: Sugar snap peas. Half a grapefruit.
Day 8: Leftover bean salad from the Cajun chicken. Small glass of orange juice.
Day 9: Mix of pumpkin seeds, pistachios and cashew nuts. Remaining raspberries
My favourite recipe: Marinated grilled lamb cutlets with creamed corn

My results…

Weighing myself on Monday morning I was amazed to see I’d lost 4lbs. I hadn’t felt hungry once on the plan and the motivation to continue eating well was stronger than ever before. I had even, for the first time ever, kicked the habit of having chocolate in the afternoon and evenings.
Waking up in the morning was now so easy I was getting up before my alarm, and my skin was finally showing signs of being ready for summer. I also have some new favourite recipes in my arsenal - I couldn't recommend it enough.

Monday, April 4, 2016

7 simple ways to spring forward into fitness

Spring is a time for shedding layers, sporting the latest bright fashions — and, of course, spring cleaning. That can apply not only to reorganizing your closet, but to tossing some unhealthy winter habits you may have fallen into, such as not exercising due to arctic temperatures.
Don't be too hard on yourself — we all have moments of weakness. The key to getting in shape for spring (and staying that way) that is to keep it simple.

It may be difficult to set a clear goal at a time we are constantly receiving conflicting messages: "Eat less carbs." "Eat all the carbs you want as long as you stay under your allotted calorie count." "Eat only meat." "Eat no meat." "Cook at home more." "Only eat raw food." "Do yoga, but don't overstretch." "Do cardio, but don't pound your joints." "Lift, but not heavy weights."
There's a lot of information out there that can be helpful, but not every method works for every person. Instead of harboring guilt for taking on too lofty a goal, try these simple tips; they can make a big difference.
1. Identify the "why"
Getting in shape does not always mean losing weight. Perhaps you just want to feel better about yourself, have more energy and know that you're doing something good for your body. If you identify why you want to get fit, it will help you power through a tough workout or give you the willpower to say "no thanks" to the bagels your co-worker brought to the office. Looking for more inspiration? Check out 3 ways to find workout motivation when you'd rather give up.
2. Find a way (or a few ways) to be active every day
If you find activities that you truly love, you will find joy in being active every day, even if it's just going for a walk in your favorite place. Eliminate the "I don't have time to work out today" excuse by embracing the short but effective exercise session. Anything you can do to get your body moving will put you in a better place mentally and is better than being completely stationary. Too busy to go to the gym? Try an at home workout!
3. Eat real, whole food
Forget counting carbs and calories; instead, focus on fueling your body. If you are eating nutritious foods with as few ingredients as possible — fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy and clean proteins — you're treating your body well. This spring, try some delicious and healthy recipes that will have you feeling refreshed!
4. Don't think of health as a punishment
Find physical activities and nutritious meals and snacks that feel like you're giving yourself a reward. This is exactly what your health should be — a gift, something that makes you feel healthy and happy. Try these 4 ways to add fun to your workout.
5. Don't skimp on sleep
Easier said than done, I know. In our hectic, overscheduled lives, sleep often gets pushed to the back burner. But sufficient rest should be one of your top priorities. Check out these 8 decorating tips for a better night's sleep.
6. Hydrate
Drinking more water is one of the simplest ways to achieve a healthier you. Proper hydration aids digestion, refuels our bodies for upcoming workouts, boosts energy, nourishes the skin… the list of benefits goes on and on. Keep a water bottle at your workplace as a constant reminder to drink more H2O, or carry a water bottle with you. The weight of a heavy water bottle will remind you to do your best to empty it!
7. Enlist a buddy
Being vocal about your goals to get in shape can be a powerful motivator and may even inspire a friend or coworker to join you. I like to schedule regular workout dates with a friend so I stay committed and feel accountable. Strength in numbers! Here are some tips to find a perfect fit-buddy.
There is no "right" way to get in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle; there is only what works for you. Realistic tweaks to your routine are the first step to a lasting habit. Don't overwhelm yourself by taking on too many ambitious goals at once; instead, stick to the basics. And remember: Being healthy should feel fun, and be something you look forward to every day.

Aly Teich is the founder of The Sweat Life.

Monday, February 29, 2016

10 Fitness Trends to Look Out For in 2016

As we put 2015 in the review mirror, it is important to take a look ahead and try to identify growing fitness trends that we might be seeing in our studios and gyms over the coming year. The following list is by no means exhaustive, but is meant to provide you with some insight in to what fitness products or programs are likely to become more popular in the coming months. This list can also be used as a guide for choosing professional development, enabling you to offer the highest level of service to your clients and class participants.

1. An increase in public-private partnerships focused on promoting physical activity.

In an effort to help people make the healthier choices necessary to overcome the obesity epidemic, a number of health clubs, equipment companies and fitness organizations will look outside of their walls and become more involved in working directly with the public. In 2016, we will see more public-private partnerships like the one between TRX, the Drew Brees Foundation and local schools. For one month, TRX donates fitness equipment based on how many touchdowns Brees scores in a game. “TRX and Drew Brees share a common mission of championing the importance of physical activity for all, regardless of age or athletic ability. With so many physical education program facing dramatic budget cuts and childhood obesity continually rising, TRX and Drew are committed to making youth fitness a priority,” said Randy Hetrick, CEO and Founder of TRX. Public-private partnerships like these will provide more solutions for helping people make healthier choices while creating new fitness consumers.

2. An increase in faith-based fitness programs.

Over the next year, faith-based exercise will become mainstream as churches, mosques, synagogues, ashrams, temples and other faith-based communities develop programs to promote fitness, health and wellness. Faith-based communities are gathering places where people come together based on shared values and beliefs. Over the past few years, many faith-based communities have begun offering classes, nutrition advice and health coaching to help people improve the physical and spiritual well-being of their adherents. David Jack, the owner of the ActivLab studio in Phoenix, is adamant about the role that spiritual well-being plays in creating the right physical well-being. “If an individual is a member of a faith-based community, he or she is already a member of a community that can provide an environment for community, emotional, mental, spiritual and physical growth. Fitness, wellness and health play an integral role in helping every individual honor their own faith. As people improve their faith and their fitness it helps promote stronger families and communities. Activate the best, magnify the good.” Faith-based exercise programs won’t replace traditional health clubs, but they will become more popular as people who share the same spiritual beliefs come together to improve their physical well-being.

3. More options for streaming fitness and workout videos.

Increasingly demanding schedules, coupled with an international trend toward understanding the role that regular physical activity plays in promoting health and wellness, will spur an increase in the popularity of workout-on-demand and video streaming services. Online video-on-demand subscription services fulfill a need by allowing individuals to do instructor-led workouts on their own time. Daily Burn, the online health and fitness trailblazer, will increase its offerings in the coming year. “With an outstanding year-over-year growth spike, we see an opportunity to further serve our current subscribers and fuel future consumer need,” says Lisa Wheeler, VP of Fitness Programming at Daily Burn. “We are excited to debut a unique, live steaming workout experience, “Daily Burn 365,” that we believe will do just that.”

4. Increased use of technology to take physiological measurements.

Previously relegated to exercise physiology labs and elite performance centers, 2016 will see a significant increase in the use of technology for measuring all sorts of physiological parameters, from body composition to aerobic capacity to intermuscular glycogen storage. PostureCo, for example, uses data on body composition analysis that allows a personal trainer to accurately measure a client’s body composition by simply taking a photo with a tablet or mobile device. Instead of taking awkward (and not always accurate) measurements using calipers, trainers will be able to assess a client’s body fat simply be taking a photo.

5. A return of steady-state cardio training.

After a few years of high-intensity everything, 2016 will signal a shift back toward understanding the role of low-intensity steady-state training (LISS) in promoting weight loss and overall fitness. HIIT works, but too much can cause overtraining and overuse injuries. Plus, recent research demonstrates that HIIT can cause a negative experience and emotional relationship with exercise, which could be used as a reason for quitting an exercise program. Trainers that know how to utilize LISS can give their clients long-term programming solutions that help promote adherence to regular physical activity.

6. Combined formats for group fitness classes.

Responding to consumer demand for instructor-led workouts that offer fun and creative ways to stay in shape, studios and health clubs will start offering group fitness classes that combine workout formats. After all, even with the best playlist, studio cycling is still sitting in the same place for an hour, and HIIT workouts get a little stale after the 1,000th burpee. In 2016, equipment companies will deliver solutions that enable clubs and studios to create a variety of combined formats, such as cycling and boxing, treadmill running and strength training, and rowing and body-weight training. These new formats will provide instructors and trainers with innovative ways for engaging members and producing results.

7. Health coaching for personal trainers.

Astute, career-based personal trainers understand that the workout program is only one component of the long-term solution for helping clients. Professional trainers know that providing a high level of service isn’t just giving a client a workout for a single day. Rather, it involves coaching clients on how to make exercise and healthy choices a foundational part of their lives. Increasing numbers of fitness professionals will evolve their careers to become health coaches capable of guiding their clients to achieving optimal health, both in and out of the gym. For trainers interested in long-term career success, becoming a health coach will provide a number of resources for how to engage and lead clients to achieve the results they seek.

8. Experiences, not simply workouts, will become the norm.

Boutique studios thrive because they create a catered fitness experience that surpasses the expectations of normal health-club patrons. Obstacle course races like the Spartan Race have exploded in popularity because they combine fitness with a unique, challenging experience that is not easily replicated in a traditional gym environment. In 2016, we will continue to see fitness entrepreneurs offer a variety of opportunities to combine people’s passion for exercise with a chance to have a one-of-a-kind, physically challenging experience.

9. How we recover will become as important as how we train.

While the workout provides the physical stimulus, the recovery period after the workout is when the body actually changes to adapt to the applied stimulus. As we learn more about how the body adapts to exercise, we are also increasing our understanding about the role that recovery strategies play in promoting successful physical performance. From cryotherapy in sub-freezing temperatures and compression clothing to understanding heart rate variability and the importance of sleep, 2016 will see more strategies that we can apply to help promote the appropriate recovery to exercise.

10. Education workshops for the average fitness consumer.

Over the course of the next year, we will see a significant increase in the number of fitness education programs designed for the fitness consumer. With the increasing popularity of barbell strength training, high-intensity weightlifting workout programs and Olympic Weightlifting, the average fitness consumer is being exposed to strategies and techniques for exercise that were once reserved for only high-performance athletes. As a result, there is an increased demand in education from professional strength coaches like Tony Gentilcore to help the average fitness consumer learn how to properly perform high-intensity strength training.

Pete McCall Health and Fitness Expert Pete McCall, MS, CSCS, is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and long-time player in the fitness industry.


Workouts For Women

The New Year New You Diet Plan for Losing Weight Fast

By Dietitian, Juliette Kellow BSc RD
Forget about detox or any extreme diet, or giving up all your favourite food in order to lose weight. Instead, follow this fabulous New Year New You plan for losing weight fast that lets you eat – and we mean, really eat!
Devised by Dietitian, Juliette Kellow, this diet plan is guaranteed to help you lose up to a stone in just six weeks – while still enjoying three square meals and snacks each day.
Here at Weight Loss Resources, we don’t believe that losing weight and keeping it off means a life-long sentence of eating sushi, edamame beans, gogi berry juice and poached white fish (like some of our favourite celebs do!).
Instead, like most nutrition experts, we recognise how important it is to have a food plan you can enjoy when you’re losing weight. Of course, it’s vital to eat a diet that includes fewer fatty, sugary and salty foods, and more fruit, vegetables and starchy, fibre-rich foods – both to help us lose weight and stay healthy. But we also know that eating our favourite foods from time to time helps to make losing weight more enjoyable so we don’t feel deprived or that we’re missing out.
That’s why this amazing new plan for losing weight faststill includes foods that most people love, whether it’s chips, biscuits, chocolate, crisps, steak or the odd glass of wine. And it’s this that makes our meal plan so different from many of the other ‘detox’ or ‘deprivation’ diets you typically see at the start of a new year.

Meanwhile, enjoying your favourite foods occasionally means you’ll find it easier to stick to a healthy, balanced diet most of the time. And it’s these newfound good eating habits that will help you lose weight fast and keep it off.
So what are you waiting for? It’s out with the old and in with the new – a new, slimmer, healthier you, forever!

Here’s what to do…

  • Simply follow our week-by-week plan over the next six weeks. Choose one breakfast, lunch and dinner each day. Vary your choices to keep meals interesting and to provide you with a range of nutrients.
  • In addition to your three main meals, choose ONE snack every day. You may choose from either the SAVE (100 calorie) or SPLURGE (250 calorie) snacks – you’ll find treats in both!
  • If you’re stuck for time when you’re trying to loose weight, and want to grab a ready-made meal or sandwich, allow 250 calories for breakfast, 350 calories for lunch and 450 calories for dinner.
  • If you follow a vegetarian diet, choose meals marked with a V – you’ll see there are plenty of options.
  • Each day, have and extra 300ml skimmed milk to use in tea and coffee, to drink on its own or to make into a smoothie using fruit from the food plans. Milk is packed with calcium, needed for strong, healthy bones so it’s important to have this every day.
  • Remember, portion size matters when you’re loosing weight! Follow these guidelines:
  • All teaspoon and tablespoon measurements should be level
  • One small can is equivalent to around 200g
  • Jacket potatoes should weigh around 200g
  • A small glass of fruit juice should be around 150ml
  • Pots of yoghurt should weigh no more than 150g
  • A matchbox-sized piece of cheese should weigh 30g.
  • Add plenty of vegetables or salad to each meal in the plan. Add fat-free dressing or balsamic vinegar to salads to liven them up and vary your choice of salad ingredients so you don’t get bored.
  • Fortunately, this plan for losing weight will help you eat the recommended five different servings of fruit and veg every day to boost your intake of fibre, vitamins and minerals.
  • Aim for 2 litres of fluid every day to prevent dehydration. It’s fine to drink water, tea, coffee, herbal tea, diet drinks and squashes as part of your diet plan.

How many calories does the lose weight fast plan provide?

Each breakfast, lunch and dinner, together with the milk allowance, adds up to 1,150 calories. Choosing a SAVE (100-calorie) snack takes this up to 1,250 calories; choosing a SPLURGE (250-calorie) snack takes it up to 1,400 calories. It’s up to you whether you choose to SAVE or SPLURGE, but as a general guideline, if you have less than 1 stone to lose you should opt for the SAVE snack, while if you have more weight to lose, you should choose the SPLURGE snack. If your plan is to lose weight as fast as possible, healthily, stick with the meal plan and leave out the snacks.